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Issue List
Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 883, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-318 (23 June 2000)
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Conductivity detection of polymerase chain reaction products separated by micro-reversed-phase liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 1-9
Scott McWhorter and Steven A. Soper
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Hydrodynamic aspects of slurry packing processes in microcolumn liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 11-25
Johannes P. C. Vissers, Martijn A. Hoeben, Jozua Laven, Henk A. Claessens and Carel A. Cramers
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New stationary phase for liquid chromatography with chemically bonded pinane ligand: synthesis and characterization by nuclear magnetic resonance and high-performance liquid chromatographic investigations ARTICLE
Pages 27-37
Jürgen Wegmann, Stefan Bachmann, Heidi Händel, Christof Tröltzsch and Klaus Albert
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Pore size distributions of cation-exchange adsorbents determined by inverse size-exclusion chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 39-54
Peter DePhillips and Abraham M. Lenhoff
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Fullerenes separation with monomeric type C30 stationary phase in high-performance liquid chromatography MISCELLANEOUS
Pages 55-66
Hatsuichi Ohta, Yoshihiro Saito, Norikazu Nagae, Joseph J. Pesek, Maria T. Matyska and Kiyokatsu Jinno
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Preparative isolation and purification of notopterol and isoimperatorin from Notopterygium forbessi boiss (Chinese traditional medicinal herb) by high-speed counter-current chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 67-73
Fuquan Yang, Tianyou Zhang, Qinghui Liu, Guoqing Xu, Yabin Zhang, Shu Zhang and Yoichiro Ito
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Investigation of combwax of honeybees with high-temperature gas chromatography and high-temperature gas chromatography–chemical ionization mass spectrometry: II: High-temperature gas chromatography–chemical ionization mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 75-88
R. Aichholz and E. Lorbeer
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Quantitative analysis of mutagenic heterocyclic aromatic amines in cooked meat using liquid chromatography–atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation tandem mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 89-102
Philippe A. Guy, Eric Gremaud, Janique Richoz and Robert J. Turesky
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Isolation and preparative purification of microcystin variants ARTICLE
Pages 103-112
Sundar Ramanan, James Tang and Ajoy Velayudhan
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Determination of neurotoxin 3-N-oxalyl-2,3-diaminopropionic acid and non-protein amino acids in Lathyrus sativus by precolumn derivatization with 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene ARTICLE
Pages 113-118
Fei Wang, Xiong Chen, Qian Chen, Xinchen Qin and Zhixiao Li
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Chromatographic characterization of molecularly imprinted polymers binding the herbicide 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid ARTICLE
Pages 119-126
C. Baggiani, G. Giraudi, C. Giovannoli, F. Trotta and A. Vanni
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Improved scheme of chelation ion chromatography with a mixed eluent for the simultaneous analysis of transition metals at small mu, Greekg l−1 levels ARTICLE
Pages 127-136
Xiaojing Ding, Shi-fen Mou, Kena Liu and Yan Yan
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Insoluble small beta, Greek-cyclodextrin polymer for capillary gas chromatographic separation of enantiomers and isomers ARTICLE
Pages 137-142
Jian-Ming Yi and Kuo-Wen Tang
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Novel use of a dual-zone restricted access sorbent: normal-phase solid-phase extraction separation of methyl oleate from polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons stemming from semi-permeable membrane devices ARTICLE
Pages 143-149
K. E. Gustavson, W. M. DeVita, A. Revis, and J. M. Harkin
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Pressurised liquid extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from contaminated soils ARTICLE
Pages 151-162
Staffan Lundstedt, Bert van Bavel, Peter Haglund, Mats Tysklind and Lars Öberg
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Preparation of 4,4′-(1-[2H6]methylethylidene)bis-[2,3,5,6-2H4]phenol and its application to the measurement of bisphenol A in beverages by stable isotope dilution mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 163-170
P. Varelis and D. Balafas
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Dynamic system for the calibration of semi-volatile carbonyl compounds in air ARTICLE
Pages 171-183
M. Possanzini, V. Di Palo, E. Brancaleoni, M. Frattoni and P. Ciccioli
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Multiple-technique analytical characterization of a mixture containing chemical-weapons simulant from a munition ARTICLE
Pages 185-198
Mark D. Brickhouse, William R. Creasy, Barry R. Williams, Kevin M. Morrissey, Richard J. O’Connor and H. Dupont Durst
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Polymer additive analysis by pyrolysis–gas chromatography: I. Plasticizers ARTICLE
Pages 199-210
Frank Cheng-Yu Wang
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Retention behaviour of ceramides in sub-critical fluid chromatography in comparison with non-aqueous reversed-phase liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 211-222
Karen Gaudin, Eric Lesellier, Pierre Chaminade, Danielle Ferrier, Arlette Baillet and Alain Tchapla
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Split-flow injector for capillary zone electrophoresis ARTICLE
Pages 223-230
Petr TImagema, FrantiImageek Opekar and Ivan Jelínek
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Laser-induced dispersed fluorescence detection of polycyclic aromatic compounds in soil extracts separated by capillary electrochromatography ARTICLE
Pages 231-248
Michael G. Garguilo, David H. Thomas, Deon S. Anex and David J. Rakestraw
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Fast development of separation methods for the chiral analysis of amino acid derivatives using capillary electrophoresis and experimental designs ARTICLE
Pages 249-265
C. Perrin, M. G. Vargas, Y. Vander Heyden, M. Maftouh and D. L. Massart
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Free solution mobility of DNA molecules containing variable numbers of cationic phosphoramidate internucleoside linkages ARTICLE
Pages 267-275
Nancy C. Stellwagen, Soffia Magnusdottir, John M. Dagle, Cecilia Gelfi and Pier Giorgio Righetti
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Determination of sulfonated azo dyes in river water samples by capillary zone electrophoresis ARTICLE
Pages 277-283
M. Pérez-Urquiza, R. Ferrer and J. L. Beltrán
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Validation of a capillary electrophoresis method for determination of 5-aminolevulinic acid and degradation products ARTICLE
Pages 285-290
A. Bunke, H. Schmid, G. Burmeister, H. P. Merkle and B. Gander
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High-performance liquid chromatography with multi-wavelength detection of the bisphenol A impurities SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 291-297
J. Poskrobko, M. Dejnega and M. Kiedik
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Rapid high-performance liquid chromatography method for the analysis of sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate in foods SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 299-304
Harry M. PylypiwJr. and Maureen T. Grether
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Sensitive determination of dissolved sulfide in estuarine water by solid-phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography of methylene blue ARTICLE
Pages 305-309
Degui Tang and Peter H. Santschi
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Pages 311-312

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Pages 313-318

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